Participating in clubs and organizations is a great way to enhance your life, enrich your academic experience and meet new friends! Take part in every opportunity that will fit into your schedule, interact through online social media avenues, and make your college experience memorable.
Each campus has a variety of clubs to match your interests as well as a Student Government Association.
All BHC students with an interest in the visual arts are welcome to join. Past events have included visits to Hot Glass and the Figge Art Museum and activities such as mural projects.
Annie Oldenburg • 309-796-5473 •
BITS is the computer club for students interested in computer programming, networking, computer support and web development. Events include speakers from the IT industry, regional and national collegiate meetings, and competitions.
Jacob Pender • 309-796-5278 •
With BYOB, there are no required readings. Just show up, share what you’ve been reading, and enjoy a snack! We meet the third Tuesday of each month from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in Building 1 in the lounge area outside the library.
Ashtin Trimble • 309-796-5143 •
Atticus Garrison • 309-796-5149 •
Clean Sphere promotes environmental appreciation, awareness and stewardship among the students, faculty, staff and alumni of Black Hawk College. Members have the opportunity to organize and participate in a variety of environmental efforts.
Marilynn Bartels • 309-796-5235 •
The Conversation Partners Program offers conversational support for ESL students enrolled in the Academic ESL Program and a unique cross-cultural experience for BHC native English-speaking students.
Mary Palomaki • 309-796-5185 •
The purpose of the Disability Alliance is to bring awareness, acceptance and inclusion for disabilities to BHC. This includes bringing education and awareness programs to the campus community in order to eliminate stigma and encourage acceptance and appreciation for disabilities.
Jen Holldorf • 309-796-5903 •
The purpose of Gray Matters is to educate, build community, and bring mental health awareness to anyone and everyone who needs it. Most importantly, to help create a world without suicide. The group strives to empower students and others to have the tools and knowledge to be mental health advocates and make a real difference in our world.
Wendy Bock • 309-796-5198 •
InterVarsity is a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty.
Ewelina Bergert • 309-796-5268 •
Love anything and everything about music? The Music Makers’ Meetup is a safe and inclusive space for anyone who appreciates music to explore and engage with it on a deeper level. Through unique activities and experiences, we promote musical expression, creativity and interaction. No prior experience in music is necessary to join, only a sincere appreciation of this amazing art form!
Dr. Irene Leites • 309-796-5478 •
The BHC student club Pride Alliance supports open and creative expression of all campus students of all identities through social events, allyship activities and inclusion advocacy.
Heather Bjorgan • 309-796-5345 •
Students are provided leadership opportunities at BHC and they represent the needs of students. Must have a 2.5 GPA from first semester.
Jana Koch • 309-796-5177 •
The BHC Student Veterans of America supports veterans, active duty, Reserve, Guard and retired military members and their families. The club provides advocacy, support, referrals and awareness.
Thomas Reagan • 309-796-5501 •
The Women’s Empowerment Club strives to give people the space to relate to each other, help them feel less alone in their experiences, and give them the tools it takes to move forward effectively. The group also works to highlight the accomplishments of women who have helped shape America and to connect women with social services and therapy for domestic violence.
Maya Davis • 309-796-5341 •
Lauren Rogan • 309-796-5344 •
Come join us and share your poems/short stories with us! Our safe environment provides writers the comfort of sharing any work they want!
Gina Wilkerson • 309-796-5435 •
Students must have completed 15 credit hours with at least 12 hours of their work taken in courses leading to a degree recognized by their institution. In addition, students must have demonstrated academic excellence by attaining a 3.0 GPA or its equivalent in business courses as well as a 3.0 overall average.
Ewelina Bergert • 309-796-5268 •
Phi Theta Kappa is recognized as the official honor society for community colleges by the American Association of Community Colleges. Students are eligible after completing a minimum of 12 credit hours of college-level work with a 3.5 GPA or higher. Once students accept, they must maintain a 3.0 GPA to remain in good standing.
Nicole Banks • 309-796-5422 •
Psi Beta is a national honor society for community college students interested in psychology. Students must achieve a GPA of at least 3.0 based on completing a minimum of 12 college-level credit hours and earned an A or a B in Psychology 101.
There is a one-time, lifetime registration fee of $55.
Dr. Brigette Dorrance • 309-796-5414 •
Sigma Kappa Delta is the English honor society for two-year colleges. Students need to have at least a 3.0 GPA overall with at least 12 credit hours of college-level courses, and they must have A’s or B’s in all English courses.
Andrew Hoogheem • 309-796-5417 •
Gina Wilkerson • 309-796-5435 •
Black Hawk College East Campus also offers complementary opportunities for student engagement through intercollegiate judging teams and riding teams. Join a team »
The mission of the Agribusiness Club is to develop and promote agriculture business events on campus, in the community and the county through events and tours and to provide education, experience and business network opportunities.
Andrew Larson • 309-854-1830 •
Drew Cotton • 309-854-1842 •
Rebekah Irish • 309-854-1838 •
The mission of the Auto/Ag Mech Club is to involve students in the automotive and agriculture mechanics industry, to connect and interact with other students who are interested in automotive and/or agriculture mechanics, and to establish long-term relationships.
Jason Grice • 309-854-1839 •
Gary Werkheiser • 309-854-1833 •
The USA College Clay Target League is a division of the USA Clay Target League – a non-profit corporation. The League the independent provider of clay target shooting sports to secondary and postsecondary schools. The League’s priorities are safety, fun, and marksmanship – in that order.
Andrew Larson • 309-854-1830 •
Drew Cotton • 309-854-1842 •
The goal of our organization is to develop college students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service., Circle K International (CKI) members learn the skills they need to become the next generation of community-minded leaders.
Katie Rushing-Anderson • 309-854-1813 •
If you are interested in writing prose, poetry, short stories or comics and would like to share ideas and thoughts with other creative writers, this is the club for you.
Georgjean Pitsoulakis • 309-854-1815 •
The oldest and largest national organization for students preparing for careers in business leadership. FBLA-PBL prepares students for “real world” professional experiences.
FBLA-PBL Fact Sheet
FBLA-PBL Sign-up Form
Benefits of FBLA-PBL
Darcy Jeffries • 309-854-1822 •
The purpose of Illinois Farm Bureau’s Collegiate Farm Bureau program is to embody the Farm Bureau’s mission of being a strong voice for agriculture by engaging students through opportunities in leadership, education, legislation and networking.
Rebekah Irish • 309-854-1838 •
LIFT are believers in Christ from various backgrounds. LIFT warmly receives all believers in Christ and seeks to maintain the oneness of the Spirit by keeping our focus on Christ. Through daily prayer, Bible reading, and Christian fellowship we are growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The mission of NAVTA is advancing veterinary nursing and veterinary technology. Members plan activities that promote veterinary technology and give back to the community through volunteer efforts.
Janet Johnson • 309-854-1985 •
Dr. Colleen Lewis • 309-854-1991 •
Greg Jurgensen• 309-854-1992 •
Phi Theta Kappa is recognized as the official honor society for community colleges by the American Association of Community Colleges. Its purpose is to recognize students who have proven themselves academically. Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunity for the development of leadership and service.
Jodee Werkheiser • 309-854-1821 •
Connecting students with an interest in Veterinary Sciences. Exposing students to industry opportunities, jobs, internships, career exploration and organizational leadership.
Dr. Colleen Lewis 309-854-1991
This club spends time organizing fundraisers for club activities, providing community-related services both on-campus and off-campus, and takes part in organized, student engagement functions alongside other BHC student clubs and organizations.
Dr. Alan Abbott • 309-854-1812 •
Andrew Mansheim • 309-854-1810 •
Isaac Stewart • 309-854-1832 •
Black Hawk College Student Ambassadors are student volunteers who represent the college in a variety of ways. They lead campus tours for parents, visitors and prospective students, give presentations, and they host alumni and dignitaries at school events and functions.
Haley Howerton • 309-854-1724 •
SGA is the official elected representative governing unit for the students. (Election of officers is held in the spring semester. Freshman and sophomore representative elections are held in the fall semester. Petitions for offices are available two weeks before each election in the East Campus Advising Center.) Visit Student Government for more information about becoming an SGA campus leader.
Vashti Berry • 309-854-1711 •
The BHC Student Veterans of America club supports veterans, active duty, Reserve, Guard and retired military members and their families. The club provides advocacy, support, referrals and awareness.
National organization: Student Veterans of America
Thomas Reagan • 309-796-5501 •
The purpose of We=Them is to create a safe environment for all students of differing views, gender identities, sexual orientations, races, cultures and lifestyle style="margin-bottom: 0;"s to be able to freely express who they are. We=Them is open to the entire campus community, with no exclusivity.
Merriam Jolly • 309-796-5418 •
Student Trustee: Black Hawk College is directly governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees, all of whom are elected from within the district for six-year terms. A student representative, elected in alternating years for a one-year term from each of the two campuses, is a non-voting member of the board. The officers of the board are chairman, vice chairman and secretary, all of whom are elected by their peers for a two-year term.
Student Club Forms:
SLC Club Manual (PDF)
Student Event Registration Form
Club Budget Request Form
Any individual that does not comply may face repair costs for damages done to these surfaces. For complete rules and regulations about posting on campus, please refer to your Student Handbook.
Sidewalk Chalk
Sidewalk chalk may only be used on sidewalks in areas where the rain will wash the chalk off. Do not use chalk on steps that are underneath pavilions, etc.
Table Tents
All fliers displayed on tables in the lower lobby and cafeteria must be cleaned up after the event/election/finality of the posting. Only recognized student clubs and campus departments are permitted to display fliers. Please bring your fliers to the Enrollment Services Office.
Student Club Social Media
Anyone starting a social media page (Facebook or other) or blog representing a Black Hawk College club must consult the Marketing and Public Relations Department in advance with their intention of use. BHC social networking pages will have a minimum of two administrators assigned. If an administrator leaves the college, they will be removed as a page administrator and another person assigned in their place. You are permitted to have closed/secret Facebook groups for your club/organization. SGA already has a group established and you will be asked to join once you represent SGA in an Officer or Representative role.
Solicitation Policy
All fundraisers (both on and off campus) must be approved by the Student Life Office (Vashti Berry), and if necessary, by the Vice President of Student Services.
Staff Accessibility
The staff members in the Advising Office maintain an open-door policy. You are encouraged to come by the office with questions about planning programs, handling funds, or any other issues that may arise. Appointments are encouraged and may be scheduled with the Coordinator of Orientation and Student Life or via e-mail at If a staff member is unavailable, please leave a message and/or any paperwork in the mailboxes located outside the Advisor’s office door.
Leadership Resources
The Student Life Office/Advising has access to several different leadership opportunities and resources. In addition to these resources, there are opportunities for leadership development through attendance at workshops/conferences. For more information on these workshops/conferences and other resources, stop by the Student Life Office/Advising.
Supplies and Equipment
The Student Life Office/Advising also stocks paper, markers, paints, as well as other supplies that are available for student clubs—located in a storage closet in Building 3. You may also use the computers available in the office to work on student club minutes or publicity. Additionally, there is a printer available in the Student Life Office if you need to print fliers, minutes, etc. within reason.
There are several different channels of communication your student club may use to connect and engage with one another including but not limited to: verbal, social media, text, twitter, email and myblackhawk. Each team can establish the best forms of communication to ensure that responsibilities of being an Officer elect are handled through a team approach. The SGA Advisor requests there be maintained an open line(s) of communication.
Student Club Constitution and Bylaws
Each student club should have a copy of its updated constitution and bylaws on file in the Student Life Office. Please note, there are several things that are required in all student club constitutions. If your club’s constitution does not include the features in bold, then it is suggested that a constitutional update occur. This should be completed by the end of the fall semester. If you change your constitution, please provide the changes to the Student Life Office immediately for approval.
Club Officer Elections
The selection of officers is important to sustain the club’s purpose, goals and objectives, and when planning events and activities. Each club will have its own election process that is fair and open. There are two models that can be applied:
1. Club members can appoint officers or
2. Conduct a formal election process where candidates’ campaign for a position and club
members cast a vote for their choice
The election process needs to be completed, and a listing of club officers needs to be submitted to Coordinator of Student Engagement as soon as possible.
Inactive Clubs
A club that has not had any meetings or activities for two consecutive semesters will be considered inactive and ineligible for funding from SGA. Contact the Coordinator of Student Engagement for information on how to reactivate a club.
Guideline and Regulations for ALL East Campus Student Clubs and Organizations:
Please visit the Enrollment Services Office to have your club promotions/elections materials/any additional forms for marketing inside the buildings stamped for approval. Please share this information with any student who would like to post flyers around campus (usually during election times).
Jana Koch
Director Student Life & Engagement
Building 4, Room 202A (second floor), near the Hawk’s Nest
Vashti Berry
Building A, Room 247
Student Events Registration »
Student Club Budget Request Form »
Student Club Registration Form »